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The Time Master

He is never late, never early and always on time…  there is no doubt that the God of the Bible is the Time Master of our lives.  The Ancient of Days is sovereign over the future (Daniel 4:32) and that the mysteries of the End of Times are hidden in the Beginning of Time.   “I make known the end from the beginning, from ancient times, what is still to come. I say, ‘My purpose will stand, and I will do all that I please.”  Isaiah 46:10

Right now, my family is waiting on God for His perfect timing…  we have our house for sale, and its taking longer than we thought.  Ohhh, I know there are endless excuses that we could have done things differently (like getting it on the market earlier) or we should have done new flooring, or a new light fixture, etc, etc… but the truth  of the matter is that when we bought it, we did not ask the seller to fix anything as “we knew it was the right house at the right time” and none of the little things scared us off!  I am reminded again (and again) this Christmas Season that “My times are in your Hands” Psalm 31:15.  That there are No Step children in the Kingdom of God (even if others make you feel that way!), only Sons and Daughters with a fantastic inheritance.  I encourage you if you are “waiting on God” for something, Jesus is the real deal and His promise is this…  “For the Lord will vindicate his people and have compassion on his servants”.  Psalm 135:14  He is crazy about you and has great plans for you… and for some that don’t know Him yet, it’s as simple as asking Him to come into your heart.  Give Jesus an open door to be a Time Master in your life and with that will come… a peace and joy even in the midst of chaos.  It’s really a miraculous thing.  I don’t really understand it all but I know when I see “perfect timing” in my life that its nothing I could have done on my own- it’s totally a GOD THING!   Enjoy the journey, and trust Him for His perfect timing, even when you don’t see it at the time.   He’s got this!  Merry Christmas and just Believe…