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Carry A Compass

Carry a Compass…!

Ancient Explorers have been carrying a compass since the beginning of time.   Although… when the Magi (the Wise Men) set out for a 1000 mile journey on camels to find the Messiah, the Savior and the Prophesied King of Kings… what did they use to navigate their way?   Sorry, but the little gadget called a Compass with a magnetized needle that always pointed to the magnetic North Pole was not invented yet.  So how did they do it?  The prophecy of the star at the birth of Jesus is found in Numbers 24:17. Ohhhhh, so the Scripture was their Compass and it pointed them to the Star….   The wise men who were looking for the Messiah knew about this prophecy, so it is obvious that the Jewish Bible was kept by the wise men of this region from the East (Persia, modern day Iran & Iraq).  These Wise Men were probably taught and influenced by the teachings passed down from the Prophet Daniel who became the Chief Magistrate of all wise men of Babylon. Daniel 2:13, 2:48.  Just think, as a young boy, Daniel was dragged off to a foreign land as a slave where people did not believe in the God of the Bible.  If you follow the dots… then you will know that God humbled a young man in a strange land, he lost everything, including his Jewish name and identity… but Daniel never lost his true north compass, his never ending faith in God.  As a result?  He became the Chief Magistrate of all the wise men of Babylon and prepared the way for the Magi to be learned in the Scriptures and they found the Bethlehem Star as well as the “Light of the World” John 8:12.

Its interesting that when the Magi asked Herod where this Star and King was (Matthew 2:1-12), he had no knowledge of it.  I love the end part of this story is that the Magi received a dream from God that they should not go back to Herod after finding Jesus, but take another way home!  This is what a real Compass can do for you…  Jesus is set on getting you to your destination, your divine purpose and no one can stand in your way, not even Herod!  Its been my experience that this is the only way to navigate in this world.  As you know, some things are invisible (like the magnetic field) and you must believe in it in order to find your way.  The Bible is Thee best Compass to Carry and just one verse can help you navigate your way home… remember, “Carry the Compass” and “Find your True North”.   Follow the “Bright and Morning Star” Revelation 22:16 (not a Hollywood Star) and He will get you home.  That’s His Promise…

Merry Christmas! – Linda Oliver